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Surgeries performed at MVJ Brains Neurospine centre
Case 1:
Surgery Done: Cervical Spine Fixation Posterior Approah.

Mr.X, 27year young man met with an accident while going on two wheeler, immediately following the incident he felt could not lift his both upper-limb.

He brought to MVJ Brains emergency department with above complaints. He was evaluated with necessary investigations and planned for surgery within 24hrs.

C2-3 Laminectomy, fixation of vertebrae by using screws and rod done by Neurosurgery team Dr Venkataramana, Dr Krishna chaitanya and Dr Chandra sekhar. Dr Pradeep was the Neuro anesthetist.

Post operatively Mr. Manjunath strength in the limbs improving and he was able to walk on second day after surgery.

Case 2:
Surgery Done: burr Hole Evacuation Of Chronic Subdural Hemorrhage.

Mr.Y, 40year gentleman came to OPD with headache and giddiness.

He was evaluated with necessary investigations and to have right frontotemparoparietal chronic subdural hemaorrhage with mass effect.

Right parietal burr hole evacuation of subdural hemaorrhage was done by Neurosurgery team Dr Venkataramana,and Dr Chandra sekhar. Dr Pradeep was the Neuro anesthetist.

Post operatively Mr. Y symptomatically improved. He was able to perform daily activities second day onwards

Case 3:
Surgery Done: D5 And D6 Laminectomy With Excision Of Intradural extramedullary schwannoma

Everything was going fine in Mr.Z ‘s life but one fine day he suddenly developed weakness in the lower limbs. He not only had difficulty in walking but also could not pass urine. Finally he visited MVJ Brains Hospital and sought neuro opinion.

Mr. Z was immediately admitted and MRI scan was done which showed Intradural Extramedulary space occupying lesion in D6 region which was diagnosed as Schwannoma.

D5-D6 Laminectomy with Excision of Intradural Extramedulary lesion was planned and succesfully done by Neurosurgeon Dr Venkataramana and Dr Manohar. Dr Pradeep was Neuro anesthetist. Post operatively Mr. Z’s strength in the limbs improved and he was able to walk on second day after surgery.

Case 4:
Surgery Done: Debridement Carniotomy with Dural Repair with Exteriorisation of Frontal Sinus

Mr. XY a 21 year old male met with an accident near Sulibelle, Devanahalli road . He sustained injuries to his head and face. He was shifted to immediately to MVJ Brains Hospital and CT scan was done.

CT scan showed Comminuted frontal compound depressed fracture, multiple fractures involving the facial skeleton and orbit. Patient was also found to have CSF leak through the nose as a consequence of these injuries.

Patient was shifted to operation theater on emergency basis and Surgical repair of the frontal bone fracture with dural repair was done. Post-operatively patient GCS improved, drain was removed on day 3, No CSF leak was seen, Patient was neurologically stable and was discharged.