Specialty that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders of the skin.
Department of Dermatology at M.V.J
Dermatology department is well equipped with facilities for the treatment of Dermatological conditions.
Facilities include:
- UVA & Narrow band UVB chamber.
- Electro, Radio frequency and Cryosurgical procedures
Dermatosurgical & Cosmetology procedures
- Punch grafting and blister grafting for vitiligo
- Hair transplantation
- Mole removal
- Microdermabrasion
- Glycolic acid peeling
- Electrolysis
- Tattooing and Botox
Department has a spacious out patient wing, academic offices for the entire faculty, a good department library and a seminar room with audio visual aids.
Special Clinics like Cosmetology Clinics, Acne Clinic, STD Clinic, and Leprosy Clinics are attached to the Department of Dermatology.