Physiology is a branch of Medicine that involves the study of various ways in which human body functions.
Department of Physiology at M.V.J
The department has a well equipped and furnished Haematology, Human / Clinical, Amphibian and Mammalian laboratories for effective demonstrations and undergraduate teaching – learning program. The equipments available include ECG Machine, Perimeters, Computerized and Student Spirometers, Stethographs, Mosso’s and Bicycle ergographs amongst others as prescribed by MCI for MBBS course.
Two demonstration rooms with a seating capacity of 75 students cater to conduct of tutorials and demonstrations. A spacious departmental reference library cum seminar hall is available for discussions and to make scientific deliberations in the department.
A sophisticated Research Laboratory with equipments such as Students’ Biopac, Polyrite and Computerized Spirometer provides clinical services apart from regular departmental research.
Physiology teaching staffs are highly dedicated to student teaching – learning activities, knowledgeable and are of the highest ethical standards imparting quality medical education. They share a special interest in medical research.